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Managing Stress During The Christmas Season

Prioritising  Wellbeing and Finding Balance

The festive season can be both wonderful and overwhelming, often leading to increased stress levels. However, by prioritising your wellbeing and implementing effective coping strategies, you can navigate the Christmas season with more ease and enjoyment. In this blog, I will discuss various ways therapy, reiki, and other coping strategies can help you maintain balance and reduce stress during this busy time.

A few signs of stress to be mindful of :

. Disturbed sleep on a regular basis

. Persistent headaches or dizziness.

. Problems concentrating.

. More frequent feeling agitated and irritable.

. Change in appetite

. Stomach problems.

. Feeling overwhelmed and emotional.

. Increased dependence on addictive behaviours - drinking, smoking or over - eating.

The Benefits of Therapy:

Therapy offers a supportive and confidential space to explore and address any underlying stressors, anxieties, or emotional challenges that may surface during the festive season. A therapist can provide valuable guidance, coping strategies, and tools to help you manage stress effectively.

Embracing Reiki Practice:

Reiki, a Japanese healing technique, focuses on promoting relaxation and emotional wellbeing. During a reiki session, a practitioner uses their hands to transfer energy to the client, helping to balance the body's energy centres. Reiki can provide a sense of calm, reduce anxiety, and restore harmony within. Incorporating reiki into your self-care routine during Christmas can alleviate stress, promote relaxation, and support your overall wellbeing.

Effective Coping Strategies:

Alongside therapy and reiki, implementing practical coping strategies can significantly impact your ability to manage stress throughout the festive season. Consider incorporating the following techniques:

Time Management:

Prioritise your tasks, delegate responsibilities, and set realistic expectations for yourself. Creating a schedule or to-do list can help you stay organised and reduce stress.


Self-care looks different for everyone. Take time to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. This can include practising mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, journaling, taking nature walks, listening to music or indulging in a warm bath. It can also be about taking a moment to just be and connect with yourself and allowing yourself to rest when YOU need to.

It's important to remember that self-care is also...

. How you speak to yourself.

. Saying no & setting boundaries.

. Taking a step back.

. Forgiving yourself.

. Practising Self-compassion.

. Putting yourself first.

. Asking for help.

Setting Boundaries:

Communicate your boundaries and learn to say no when necessary. A gentle reminder that it's alright to decline invitations or invitations that may cause additional stress or overwhelm. And this includes family members. “No”. Is a complete sentence.

Connecting with Supportive People:

Surround yourself with caring and understanding friends or family members. Share your concerns and seek their support when needed. It's ok to ask for help. Engaging in open conversations can offer emotional relief and provide different perspectives.

Dealing With The Financial Pressures:

Christmas can put an added strain on the finances. Especially, with the current cost of living crisis!  Instead, why not focus on the true spirit of the season and give the gift of presence, rather than presents? Spending quality time with loved ones, laughing, making memories, and sharing meaningful moments can be far more valuable than any material gift. Whether it's cosying up by the fire, going for a winter walk, having heartfelt conversations, or playing games these experiences create lasting memories and bring joy!  Prioritising the people in our lives and show them how much we care, because the best gifts are the ones that can't be wrapped.

“It’s not what's under the Christmas Tree  that matters. It's who’s around it”

Quote- Charlie Brown


By prioritising your wellbeing and utilizing resources such as therapy, reiki, and coping strategies, you can navigate the Christmas season with a greater sense of balance and calm. Remember to take time for self-care, seek support and ask for help when needed, and allow yourself to celebrate in a way that feels right for you while managing stress effectively.

Christmas can be a difficult time for anyone grieving. You will find support in my blog: Coping with Grief at Christmas

~ Nikki

Beautiful photo by: Nick Spence Photography


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